This week's Fun Monday hostess is Jill at
LilMouse, and she wants to hear about our dreams. Specifically:
Do you have any dreams, particularly recurrent ones that you feel no one else has? I recently talked to my friend Stacy on the phone and found out that we’d had the same odd, recurrent dream. Or, just tell us about an odd dream you had as a kid (did you dream you were falling and end up on the floor?)
This one is a little tough for me because I rarely remember my dreams when I wake up. I used to, but now I don't. It bothers me a little, but I can't do anything about it. I guess I'm just a very deep sleeper. Goodness knows a tornado could blow through our house in the middle of the night, and I'd never notice. I'd just wake up the next morning in the fork of a tree in Kansas and wonder what the heck happened. I have had a couple of recurrent dreams in recent years, though.
For a while, I kept dreaming that I died a violent death, usually at the hands of a criminal and in the presence of my husband. I think it had to do with some fears I had at the time about his safety as a parole officer. We kept running into some of his "clients" on the street, and a couple of the the more hardcore ones unnerved me when Hubby told me later they had probably been carrying a weapon. Those dreams eventually went away. Thank goodness. I got tired of waking up in a cold sweat. My brother is a police officer, and a couple of times I've had dreams of him being in danger. Having law enforcement folks in the family works on your nerves sometimes.
The one dream I had consistently for quite a while was that my teeth were falling out. It always scared me, and I would wake up and rub my tongue over my teeth, convinced they were looser than when I went to bed the night before. I finally mentioned it to a friend, and to my surprise she told me she'd had the same dream, so I looked it up on the Internet (what did we ever do before Google?) and found that it's a very common dream. The most common theory about this dream is that you're feeling insecure:
"These dreams often occur at a time of transition between one phase of life and another. When we lost our milk teeth, we also gradually lost our childhood innocence. Loosing your teeth therefore show that today you have similar feelings of uncertainty and self-consciousness as you did in childhood. The dream could also highlight your worries about getting older or your sexual attractiveness."
This makes complete sense to me because I was about to hit age forty, was unhappy with the demands my job was placing on my family at the time and contemplating a career change. I've never had that dream again since I changed jobs. It's also entirely possible I was worried about getting older. The sexual attractiveness? Pffftt. I'm way past the point in life where I base my self value on whether or not people find me attractive. I'm downright close to the comfortable shoe stage of life. In fact, I may be there and don't realize it. Anyway, that's about all I have today, shotgun wounds and loose teeth, but that's enough don't cha' think? Follow me on over to
LilMouse and see what everyone else is thinking about while they're sleeping.