/’rench/ verb 1: to move with a violent twist 2: to pull, strain or tighten with violent twisting or force 3: to injure or disable by a violent twisting or straining 4: to snatch forcibly
Example: The feeling in my heart as Teen Angel recently left for her first official date with a real live boy in a moving vehicle. Wasn’t it just yesterday I had to restrain myself from running after her as she crossed the street by herself for the first time? Tomorrow’s word of the day? Prayer.
Grey winters day
I was feeling inspired by the snowstorm we had yesterday so I thought I'd
go for a drive and take a few pictures. All images were taken in Seabrook,
NH ...
10 years ago
Harder than being without power, I'll bet. I've been there so I can relate. Thinking positive on your behalf . . . .
OMG, sit tight. All you can do now is hope and pray that all the morals and values you taught her as a child will still be ever present in her mind. Been there done that with two daughters. I survived and so did they.
ooooh I feel you baby. i still grab at my heart every time the kids back out of the driveway - either with them behind the wheel or someone else....
oy o oy oy oy.....waiting for this one to happen...what will I do if he drives a moto!?!?!?!
She's back safe and sound I assume...
Oh my goodness. I loved the last line, "Tomorrow's word: prayer."
: )
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