Monday, April 20, 2009

A Few Wedding Pictures

One hundred images PhotoShopped. Only 338 more to go!


J.G. said...

Lovely! The sepia one of the bride peeking through the door, and the bouquet on the ground are so creative, as well as beautiful. You did a fantastic job.

Mariposa said...

I agree. Those pictures are just simply fantastic...

Kelley with Amy's Angels said...

If I only lived in KY. I would SOOOOO hire you for our wedding! AWESOME pics!!!

Mia said...

OMG! as the young people say.HA! Anyway beautiful,gorgeous,unique,you have def. got a gift.

Jan n Jer said...

Great photos, I see a new weekend job for you.

dkuroiwa said...

The truly successful wedding photographer is one that has a different perspective in the way she (or he) takes the, my dear, have 'success' written all over you!!
These are beautiful...and yeah, that sepia one is one of my favs!!

janjanmom said...

At first I thought it might just be your beyotchin' camera, but now I am forced into thinkin' HULA'S GOT TALENT!!!

You rock the Kasbah!!

Living Life said...

Ooooooh - thanks for sharing the wedding photos. I was so curious about them when you posted about it last week. They are all great, but I especially LOVE the sepia pic. Great job! I love photography too, but do not take the time to learn more about it, nor do I have the bestest camera. One day....