Saturday, April 4, 2009

Roooooad Trip!

The Hula-gen's are taking a little road trip this weekend. We leave tomorrow morning for this place: Where we'll see these guys in concert:And I will likely be the oldest person in the room, unless of course there are other adults there with minors. Small cameras ARE allowed, so I may have pics for you next week. I picked out an outfit that I hope doesn't scream "trying too hard to be young" and "oh my God, my mom is wearing mom jeans". I'm sure I'll get a roll of the eyes tomorrow evening, no matter what. Hee-hee. I also picked up a pair of these:In case it's really loud. We'll do a little shopping and goofing around town before heading home Monday afternoon. I trotted over to today where I found a big heaping pile of doo-doo called the St. Louis forecast. By the time we leave the concert hall tomorrow night the temperature will have dropped from the spring like 60's to the 30's. We're supposed to experience snow showers and a high temperature that feels like 29 degrees Monday. I have kissed winter goodbye and have no plans to see snow again until at least November, so I am not happy about that forecast. Did I mention my brother is in Florida right now? Stinker. I'm sure we'll have a good time, though. Say a little prayer for our safe travels...and that I don't get caught up in some kind of crowd surfing incident tomorrow night that winds up on sixty people's Facebook pages. Peace out, peeps.


J.G. said...

Be safe and have fun! (Too bad the weather isn't more cooperative.)

oreneta said...

Peace and love man.....

Good luck, hope it's fun.

Mia said...

Prayers for your traveling. Go to Hot Topic and pick out something new to wear!! HA! Yes they are calling for snow today BUT by Tuesday/Wednesday it will be in the 60's with thunderstorms. Gotta love this doo-doo pile that is W.Ky weather!!