2009 just isn't our year. On top of everything else that has happened, we got more bad news this week. Our niece has four sons. The third son spent Sunday in the emergency room with flu like symptoms, stomach pain and weakness. By twilight he had been flown to Nashville where they ran multiple tests. Tuesday, they diagnosed him with leukemia. Yesterday, they did a spinal tap to see if the cancerous cells are in his spine. Now we await word on just how bad it is (or isn't) and what kind of treatment lies ahead for little W.. He is just a fifth grader.
If you are the prayin' kind, send some prayers his way. He could certainly use 'em. We're all really scared for him, so you might tack us, his parents and siblings and the rest of the Hula-gen's onto your list, too. This one came out of nowhere.
Grey winters day
I was feeling inspired by the snowstorm we had yesterday so I thought I'd
go for a drive and take a few pictures. All images were taken in Seabrook,
NH ...
10 years ago
I'm so sorry for your niece's little boy. Sending prayers your way and hoping for the best.
Dee from Tennessee
Oh I am praying....this took my breath away. (Been having computer issues and haven't been able to read blogs.) Will pray , pray , pray.
Lots of prayers and good thoughts coming your way, and his way! I'll add y'all to the prayer list at school, too.
No worries! I pray but I have other methods too! Please get them to take him to a natural healer before they start drugging him up! Please! You would be so surprised what human intention and prayer can do without medical intervention!
good God woman, what more can you handle? There is that old saying that God never gives you more than you can handle, so geez you must be strong. Sending serious and devoted prayer your way.
I just now read this and dropped to my knees,praying....I have a fifth grader too : ( oh my how his mama and daddy must feel right now. Praying for healing,wisdom,and everything else they need.
Oh I am so very sorry. Let's all hope this one isn't too bad....
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