Enter my lovely assistant, Hubby. He gets sucked into my shenanigans all of the time, and he’s watched me for days bouncing around the yard in pursuit of dragonflies. Last night when he walked the dog at bedtime he saw a lovely green dragonfly by the garage door. He shooed it inside the garage and closed the door so I could find Miss Dragonfly this morning. I did. The only problem was she didn’t want to cooperate. She wanted to hang onto the ceiling, out of lens reach. (See, I REALLY need that 70-200mm lens.) He tried carefully shooing her onto the end of a broom and bringing her down to eye level. But after several attempts at that I told him to turn her loose because she was obviously distressed. I know it’s just a bug, but I can’t stand to see critters in distress. Just ask my brother about the great frog incident of 1977. I’ll never shoot a BB gun again.
Hubby guided her onto the broom and set her on the flowers next to the garage. I figured she would zip off into the wild blue yonder, so I picked up my bag to leave for work. Much to my surprise, Miss Dragonfly didn’t go anywhere. Perhaps, she was tired or hungry. Whatever the reason, she stayed put. There she sat, bathed in the warm early morning sunlight, with glistening wings. It was as if the photography gods had placed her there, just for me. I said, “Thank ya’ Jesus,” and grabbed my camera. I snapped away, sweating in my dress clothes and getting wet cut grass all over my feet. I didn’t care. I was in dragonfly heaven. It was bliss, I tell ya’. Hubby just watched and laughed. I have to hang onto that man. Few men would put up with my nonsense. He gets a “production assistant” credit for these photos.

Interesting photos.
OHHHH! Very cool!!
Worth all the effort. These are outstanding captures, each one.
I'd say Miss thang was worth the wait! Great shots.
Awesome! She/he's a beauty! They come in the most amazing colors.
I've actually had pretty good luck with the dragonflies, though I'm not sure why. Last year I couldn't shoot one to save my life!
Bravo Hula! Bravo!
Those are some excellent photos! Thanks Hubby!
Wow! You got several good ones!! I don't see many of them in my area, and the ones I do see, never light on anything. Great job and such a wonderful hubster!!
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