Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I'm Blue

Great Googly Moogly! The Hula-gen's are going to see these guys tonight:

It should be a large time. What's even more exciting is that we received word that we'll be seeing them in New York City this spring AND we have PONCHO seats! Did you hear me? I said PONCHO SEATS. Oh, how I love a messy musical experience.


oreneta said...

PONCHO seats? What on earth are those? So close they can spit on you????

Jan n Jer said...

Poncho seats??? no clue. I would love to see this group, I hear they are great!

Trailboss said...

I had never heard of poncho seats either but I am thinking it comes with a poncho to cover up so you don't get messy. How fun! You are a small town girl going to NYC???? Don't get lost!

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Yes, poncho seats are those close enough to be in the line of fire for all of the paint, toilet paper and confetti they spray during the show. The show was absolutely fabulous. I haven't had that much fun in a long time. It's great entertainment for the whole family. I highly recommend it and am looking forward to seeing them again....close up.

Living Life said...

So cool! I have always wanted to see the blue men!

J.G. said...

Do they give you a poncho or is it B.Y.O.P? Do tell!