Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Day Before Thanksgiving at the Grocery Store

Whereas the parking lot equals this:
And making it down the spice aisle without injury requires this:While doing a little of that:
And the bread aisle is all whuh:
And the frozen roll freezer is all nuh uh:
Oh, and never mind the tired clerk who's all :when you politely ask if there is any more sage in the back.
Which equals I'm a big fat loser for failing to get everything I need ahead of time so I don't have to visit the grocery on the day before Thanksgiving yet another year in a row.
Blessings to each and every one of you, my friends on this holiday.
*Images courtesy of:,, and


Jason, as himself said...

Clever! We just ordered a premade meal from the grocery store this year. I have very mixed feelings about that!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, my friend.

dkuroiwa said...

Yes, my dear...have a great holiday!
After reading your post, one would think that I'd not really miss all that, but....nope didn't work...still missing all that...but, tomorrow is Friday and things will be better...maybe I'll stop by KFC on the way home!!

I may go over to see if Jason's grocery store ships know..for Christmas!!!

Lew Jetton said...

Oh my....that's like someone at work, who was going down all the things they had to do and get for Thanksgiving. I finally said, I'm "thankful" I'm not you!

Anonymous said...

Hope you were able to get the sage, it may be the deal breaker for a delicious dinner! hahaha I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving,may your blessings be many!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha!! Great post, Hula. Happy Thanksgiving!

Mia said...

I guess that makes me the ulitmate loser....I had to go to the store this morning!!!

janjanmom said...

I love your new picture. I hope you have had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!