Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Womb Trumps Everything

I made Teen Angel pose with a feathered Mardi Gras mask for an experiment I tried for a "green" themed photo challenge.

Then the silly girl tried to use that as leverage to get me to do something unpleasant for her last night. First of all, she forgot that I have no shame. Secondly, she failed to realize that my daily line that "I pushed you out of my womb" trumps any bit of leverage she thinks she has. Pffft! The womb always thing always wins.


Jason, as himself said...

I wish I could use this one! Maybe I'll try.

Living Life said...

I don't think your method would work for me. My teen ignores me as much as possible!

Mike Golch said...

what ever works right? Hey Jason you could try the if it was not for me you would not exist.After all you are 1/2 of the equasion.

oreneta said...

womb works mighty well...Jason you could try putting into the womb???

Liz said...

Great photo! Love it!


Check out Frame It Friday! over at Loving This Mom Stuff!
I'd love to see some of your child's artwork!

A New England Life said...

Yes, we did give birth so that should stand for something!

Swampy said...

Great philosophy. Reminds me of this saying, "I brought you into this World and I can take you out."
Don't know what mother said it...