Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Fence

Sometimes when I'm taking pictures I get fixated on one item and end up with 200 odd pictures of that item because I couldn't stop playing with angles and lighting. Like this fence around a tiny chapel at a local tourist destination.

The chapel and the rest of the grounds around it, including a fabulous restaurant, are just covered in beautiful Christmas lights this time of year, and frankly, I got the seat of my britches and coat very dirty clamoring around on the ground taking pictures of the decorations while we were waiting for our table.

Antique iron fences are one of my favorite things, and I love, love, love this replica because of the crosses on top of the spindles.

There are now about three dozen people in western Kentucky who are wondering who that crazy lady on the ground at Patti's was last weekend.


Anonymous said...

It's insane what you must do to get a good picture!! These pictures are amazing so it was well worth the dirty clothes and the three dozen wondering people.

Yolanda said...

I have done this too. You take beautiful phtos. The first one is my favorite.

Jan n Jer said...

Those are great shots, so it's worth being called crazy!

J.G. said...

Better art than dignity, I say!

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

I love them all! I do that too, and I really enjoy photographing patterns (fences, power lines, etc.) also. You did a great job; thanks for sharing them with us.


Jason, as himself said...

I love shots like this...they're the kind that you have to really think about to discover.

Oh, and a macro lense, too!

MarieElizabeth said...

Your effort and dirty clothes were totally worth it! These are stunning photos.