Super Cop is having a bad week. He fell and busted his backside on some steps and then accidentally ran over his cat. Poor Fred. He’s at least 18 years old, so I’m sure getting hit by a truck was a wee bit traumatic for the poor old kitty. It was pretty upsetting to Super Cop, too. Nothing makes you feel so crappy as running over your pet. It appears that Fed will live, but he may be maimed for life in one leg. I figure Fred, being a cat, will milk this for all its worth. Cats are sneaky that way. They know when we feel guilty, and they’re not afraid to exploit it. They hold grudges too. If I were Super Cop I wouldn’t leave any shoes lying around unattended.
The Fred fiasco is one of a long line of crazy things that have happened to my brother in the last year and a half. It all started with the Big Blue Note right before Christmas 2005. Just like the Toby Keith video, his wife of fifteen years packed up half their stuff without notice while he was at work one day and took off for a new life. She was thoughtful enough to leave a note. Mamma always said if you can’t say something nice about somebody then don’t say anything at all, so all I’ll say about his ex is that is was nice of her to clean out the attic and closets for him before she left. (He has given me permission to blog about his life, by the way.) Thanks to some good friends and a little poker he has bounced back very well from that whole stinkin’ mess, but his entry back into the dating scene has been a doozey.
Apparently, there is no shortage of women who will hunt down and chase a nice, respectable man with a well paying job and a great personality. Women have been knocking on his door like Jehovah’s Witnesses on tour. He has dated an older woman, a younger woman, a woman with children and another who suggested being friends with benefits when he decided not to see her again. I can’t even remember all of the one time dates. He even worked in a date after he ran over Fred. I’m telling you, he is a chick magnet. I’m glad he’s having a good time. He deserves it. I’m glad he shares his dating adventures with me. I get a lot of laughs out of it, and I’m taking notes. They will come in handy if I ever get to write that novel I have rolling around in my head. If he keeps this up it could be one of those steamy Jackie Collins kind of books. Or maybe one of those mysteries: The Cat Who Ate the Michelins”.
Grey winters day
I was feeling inspired by the snowstorm we had yesterday so I thought I'd
go for a drive and take a few pictures. All images were taken in Seabrook,
NH ...
10 years ago
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