Have I mentioned lately how proud I am of this one? Besides being an "A" student and working hard at her job, she's a great help to her grandparents, a pretty cool cousin to her nephew and a right mature young lady given some of the tragedy she's had to deal with in the last few years. She's also very empathetic to others. My baby's growing up, but she's growing up to be a good girl. Growing way too fast, though. Way too fast. Oh, and she's just like her mama. She can't keep her mouth shut, even when I tell her to.
Sounds to me that she is a testament to your teaching as her Mom.
I have to run to the bakery for lunch soon and hit her up for all the new gossip!
....and she is wearing a t-shirt from one of my favorite places to eat!! vrrry cool young lady, there!
You're so blessed! & you did a great job! IF I had a daughter who was proven to to be DNA linked to me....I cower at the thought of what the poor child would turn out to be, if not for some strong rasin' from someone else. I must say, I think my offspring would have turned out to be either the greatest child EVER, or the spawn of EVIL. There would be a razor's edge. I can't imagine your child being anything more than spectacularly level-headed and ready to face the world.
She is gorgeous!
You can't help but turn out well when you are surrounded by
I know just my brief encounters with them have bumped me up a notch or two. ( ;
Lew-you would've made a fine father!
You and my mother would get along so well.
She says the same thing--and I'm much (much, much, much) older than Teen Angel! : )
She's a beautiful girl and it sounds like you have every reason in the world to be absolutely bursting with pride.
Neat to see how they are going to be as they get older, lovely delightful girl from the sound of it all.
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