Please tell how you spent your Independence Day either this year or in the past. Do you have a July 4th funny story you would like to share? Do you have a family tradition for this day? For those who are not US residents, please tell us when your country’s Independence day is and share with us how you celebrate/spend it. We would love some pictures too, you can share your stories in pictures too.
Our July 4th can be summed up with this picture.

Or maybe this one.
It rained. And rained. And rained. It always rains here on Independence Day, no matter how hot or sunny it's been in the days prior to the holiday, we can always count on a good shower, and this year was no different.

Every year we do the same thing. We grill steaks with Mama J. and Papa T., stuff ourselves silly, make homemade ice cream and try to blow off a finger lighting some fireworks. This year, the downpour started just as I was putting the food on the grill. It rained and blew so hard I was sop and wet by the time I got the stuff on the grill, pulled the ice cream freezer out of the rain and ran inside. I literally had to change clothes. I meant to get a picture of the ice cream making but didn't get a chance once the hurricane started. You'll have to settle for a picture of the recipe.

We feasted indoors on steaks, baked potatoes, pickled cucumbers (from the garden-yippee skippee), sliced tomatoes, cake and homemade ice cream. And then two of us rollie pollies rolled into the car and downtown where we met Special Delivery, SuperCop, Mrs. Scrubs and Mrs. Scrubs' family for some fireworks.

But mostly some of this.

We opted for the public fireworks this year instead of setting off our own, and I'm glad we did 'cause I can't thing of a better way to end the day than with a little sizzle with our little sparkler.
I was leaving Lourde's hospital just when the neighborhood was setting off fireworks. We got to the hospital about 4:45 and then the rains came, then the accident victims from the slick roads. UGH. We got home at 10pm.
Sorry it rained on your celebration, that happened to us last year. It sounds like things turned out to be a good time in spite of the weather. That little sparkler of yours is a doll baby. I hear you on rolly polly, thats how I felt after pigging out for 3 days.
At least it stopped raining to get the fireworks in. That cake looks delicious and I just might have to try the home made ice cream recipe. I have never put eggs in mine before.
My BH and spent the day at home.we had our own cook-in.Hot dogs BBQ beans(yummy)and for desert homemade Sweetpotato pie.
That face! What a little man! Your strawberry cake looks like the ones my mother made with a seafoam frosting instead of confectioner's sugar. I think you may be in Paducah. I'm in Louisville so we celebrated a night earlier to miss the rain. On Saturday I read and watched movies--not worried about the rain that came down. Hope you enjoyed a long weekend, even if a wet one.
It rained here as well. And rained. And rained. We finally went to bed only to be awakened by fireworks around midnight when it finally decided to stop raining. Whatever.
Nothing beats homemade ice cream! We used to make it every year, too. Sometimes peach, sometimes strawberry, sometimes plain old vanilla. But our family recipe didn't have any flour in it.
Your 'little sparkler'....can set any heart on fire. Adorable.
I so wish it would have rained HERE too, we're in such a deep drought.
My entry for F M is now posted if you feel like dropping by for a visit.
it rained a ton in Illinois on the 4th. from early morning until just about time for fireworks, not much being outside to speak of! usually its hot, we had sunscreen and swim trunks for my husband, and well, no one went near the water, sigh... my post is up!
OH, homemade ice cream!!!! I can't remember the last time I had (or made) some...
We didn't get rain on the 4th, but would have been just as happy if we did. We've been in drought so long that every drop of rain is regarded as a gift. It's raining now and we are absolutely THRILLED!
I agree that your little sparkler has to be the best way to end any day! Sounds like a good one, even if a bit damp.
Those tomatoes, were not home grown????
showers of blessings. (thinking positive while you're soaking wet..heh heh)
I prefer to watch the "professionals" because I get anxiety attacks when I see kids and fireworks. Oh my. (breath in deep out slowly - count to ten)
Sorry about the rain - sounds like you had a fab day anyway! Love the photos of the Littlest Sparklin' Firecracker!
sounds like you had a nice time, minus the rain!
wow! thanks for playing, it seems like you guys still had fun though it rained. I think I will attempt the ice cream too
OH, so sorry for the rain, but you still made it special for your li'l guy with the fireworks!
And thanks THANKS for sharing the ice cream recipe!
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