Since the Lazy Hazy Days of summer are upon us now, tell us what activities you enjoy doing outside and how do you stay cool. Share some photos of both if you wish.
The humidity runs thick in the Ohio Valley, so things can get pretty steamy and sticky around here in July and August. Heck, sometimes it's sticky in May. You have to work at trying to stay cool. The Hula-gen's work hard, but they like to play hard, too. Each summer, we usually take a couple of trips to amusement parks and water parks. We love Holiday World in Santa Claus, Indiana. It has wonderful rides, the water park is fantastic and we never ever feel ripped off when we go there. They have free sunscreen and free drinks. It's just a great family friendly place. We also like King's Island in Cincinnati and make a trek there every summer with the church youth group. Hubby and Teen Angel are there this weekend. Some years we take a vacation in the summer. Other years we wait until fall break in October. This year, we're going to Destin in October, and I can't wait. Florida is so stinkin' hot in July that we opted for the cooler and less crowded fall break this time. Most weekends, we simply vacation in our backyard. We are fortunate enough to have a pool, and we like to use it. Teen Angel splishes and splashes. Hubby and I float. We go round and round and round in our floating chairs. I read and he naps, which is what he was doing when I took this picture recently.
It's the best way we know how to stay cool in the peak summer months.

We also garden. We have 53 tomato plants this year, and they are really blooming right now.

We've picked a few small tomatoes, and they should really start coming on pretty soon. There's nothing cool and comfortable about gardening, but we do enjoy it.
One of the other things I enjoy in the summer is races. We have several 5K races in our town between April and October, giving me ample opportunity to be reminded of how slow I am...er, I mean to see how well my weekly running sessions are working. We had one yesterday, and I was a little concerned that it was going to be miserably hot. It wasn't because it rained.

They delayed the race for a little while and when the lightening stopped and it became obvious the clouds weren't going to pass any time soon, they lined us up and we ran in the pouring rain. All 3.1 miles. We were soaked. The poor folks who were walking the course were absolutely pruney by the time they finished. I've been caught in the rain while running before, but my feet have never been this wet.
Fortunately, I had packed extra clothes, shoes and a towel when I left the house, so I eventually got somewhat dry but not before I spent a full three hours standing around in the driving rain. And guess who was there. Jerry, from The Biggest Loser.
He seemed like a really nice fellow, and while he could have finished at a much faster pace, he stuck with the walkers in the back and talked with them and encouraged them. Classy.

The clouds really opened up during the youth race.
Those kids got pounded, but they didn't mind. You know kids, the wetter, the better.

What is fun about racing in the pouring rain or blistering heat you ask? I'm not sure I can explain it. It SEEMS like torture to run your legs off all week just to see how far you can push yourself on a Saturday morning when you're not likely to win a prize and if you do it's a cheap trophy. There's just a lot of satisfaction in trying to stay healthy and trying to hang onto a shred of athleticism as you get old. Of keeping your competitive spirit alive and always trying to make yourself a little bit better than you were the week before. Of course, floating around in pool is just as fun. And a whole lot easier. Which is what I'd be doing right now if it weren't RAINING...again.
53 tomatoe plants, you've got alot of canning to do! Its always nice to stay cool floating around in a pool. That is great that your dedicated to running, its a great way to keep your weight in check.
At least the rain kept you cooled off during yesterdays 5k. Thanks for playing FM Hula
Oh man, that's rough. My husband runs 5k's also so he knows what it's like to run in lousy weather. He ran one yesterday morning too but it was just a little warm, no rain. Hope you did well after being soaked to the bone!
Sounds like there's a lot of fun summer plans going on there in hulaville! And there's nothing better than a backyard pool. It's saved me MANY trips to the beach!
What will you ever do with all those tomatoes??? Make sauce?
Send me some tomatoes! :)
I love floating around the pool too...so fun.
And arrgghhh I'm not a rain fan...I'm too scared I'd be like the gremlins! LOL
Really enjoyed the photos! Happy Monday...
I agree with you about trying to keep moving as you age. That's why we need a dog--to get us out of the house and walking. It's never too hot according to them. I share the lovely Ohio Valley with you and hate the humidity especially. Keep running!
I Lurrrvvveeeee your garden. Please post more this year! LOL! The water parks sound fun, Im actually amazed we don't have any near us. Being such a popular tourist area one would think someone would build one. They seem to think all our beaches and national parks are enough! Hmmmm! I think we shall have to go interstate and try out the QLD parks one of these days!
Oh PS... I am about to pull out about as many tomato plants! They went ahead and self seeded and as there are not so many bees about the flowers are going to waste. Too cold, no sun = not many tomatoes for that amount of plants.
I bet your neighbor's tomato plants are brimming with ripe tomatoes. It sure was a rainy weekend. That is cool that Jerry was there. Was his wife with him?
Running in the rain sounds like a wonderful way to kill two birds with one stone - getting fit and staying cool at the same time!
Having a pool is my idea of heaven but running in the rain is not so I'm full of admiration for those who do.
I'll bet it was more fun running in the cool rain! Good for you not to give in to it! Happy FM!
When you are done weeding your garden, feel free to hop on a plane and come weed mine:)
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