Since September is just around the corner, all the TV shows will be having their premiers throughout the month. What kind of TV viewer are you? Do you like sitcoms or do you prefer drama. Are soap operas your cup of tea or murder mysteries. Game, variety and reality shows are big this year too. These are just a few examples. Share with us your favorite shows and why you like it or them so much.
Well, Jan, the honest truth is I haven't watched television since sometime in April. Oh, I've turned it on and surfed the channels, but I really haven't sat down and watched much TV in months. It's not that I don't enjoy it. I've just been consumed with the chaos we like to call "life". Things have been crazy for us in recent months, so I'm hoping that by the fall season premieres things will calm down, and we can cuddle up in the Big A** Chair with a bowl of popcorn and the remote control. In the meantime, I'll tell you about all the things I'd watch if I had time.
First of all, 90% of my viewing time is spent with either an old movie on TMC or AMC (love, love, love Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn) or HGTV, FoodTV and the History Channel. I can thank the history channel for filling in some of the gaps in my high school history, and I can thank HGTV for making me believe I can pour my own concrete sidewalk with a bowl and a butter knife. FoodTV fuels my wannabe pastry chef fantasies and drives my husband absolutely crazy. "Do we HAVE to watch THIS again?" Most of the time I flip on one of those channels and half way pay attention to the tube while I read a book.
I do pay attention sometimes. While I'm selective about what I watch, I do really enjoy certain shows. I like Brothers & Sisters, and Hubby and I have a crazy craving to be on The Amazing Race. I have a feeling we'd be quite entertaining and would likely be bleeped a lot as we cursed our way across Croatia and Zimbabwe.
My favorite show is Damages.

Same goes for Lost. 

It makes you think. And rethink. And rewind again and again to pick up on all of the clues. I like TV that makes me think. And scratch my head.
I try not to miss Saving Grace.
I lurv Holly Hunter's flawed character and her interaction with that quirky angel Earl. It's a very adult show but very thought provoking and again, well written. I hope my guardian angel is as fun as Earl.
Grey's Anatomy is one of my guilty pleasures.

Grey's Anatomy is one of my guilty pleasures.

My other guilty pleasure is....well, well I hate to admit it but....but....oh, here goes: Iron Chef America.

Now slide off that couch you potatoes, and slip over to Jan's and see what everyone else is watching.
I can't wait for the fall season of TV. There has been absolutly nothing on TV for months now. I am a Survivor fan, plus can't wait for the Bachelor or Bachelorette...I think they need to have an entire season of Jen and what's his name....talk is he cheated on her. Just sayin'
Im not much of a TV viewer either. I remember when LOST came out though. I could not fathom how people could stand the waiting week to week. I was norty and watched the whole first season at once.
Oh my. I've only watched one of these (greys)
I'm so behind the times....
I love cookery shows too. You just can't get enough :-)
I like your lifestyle....life that is so chaotic and busy and no TV!!! You go girl!!
My F M is now posted. If you can find time, won't you stop by? Have a great week!!
Life is sometimes better without TV, it lets you get things done. I also love HGTV, but I find sometimes I watch it and it makes me feel unsatisfied with my house. I used to watch Greys A. your right it is smutty, I love Katherine Hiegle. Never got into the food channels, my hubs would be after me to cook everything they demo. Thanks for playing Hula and Happy FM
Last fall we had a newborn and didnt watch much tv. We look forward to some of our favorites this fall. Although now we have one of the fancy tv systems, so if we end up in baby land then we just hit pause and then go back, or simply record it! yeah! that should be on every new mom's wishlist!
I LOVE Lost and Iron Chef--but amazingly I love the ORIGINAL Iron Chef from Japan. Maybe it's the outfits?
I also have to say that I love the Big Bang Theory on CBS. I do not stop laughing for a solid 30 minutes. If that's not a way to end a day at work, I don't know what is!
You're so right, HG. When life is not on an even keel it's hard to settle down to even mindless TV, let alone the more cerebral shows where I-at least-don't always get it the first time around. We share some "likes"--Iron Chef(Michael Simon is my fave--love his giggle)and Amazing Race. I was proud of the two KY couples on the show---the goths Kynt and Vyxen and the year before David and Mary from eastern Kentucky. Loved how both couples respected the cultures they encountered on their journey.
I've never seen Damages or Saving Grace - both shows I thought I would be hooked on when I saw the commercials for their premieres. But somehow, they fell off my radar between the time I saw the commercial and the time they actually started. I still think I'd love them, but don't know when I'd watch them!
Thanks for stopping by today...and no, I don't watch everything that is set to record on our DVR...there aren't enough hours in the year !
Your list looks a lot like what my daughters watched.
My computer didn't let me finish...
I too share your passion for Grey's Anatomy. I agree that it is nice during the Fall/Winter months to snuggle up on the couch to relax and be able to escape everyday life with a mindless drama on TV.
I watched some of 'Damages' and really enjoyed them but after going on holiday I didn't pick it up again and wished that I had. Similar thing happened with Lost. These types of shows are often scheduled quite late at night which is another reason I give up watching regularly.
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