Monday, July 26, 2010

Hot on the Trail

A professional photography buddy of mine asked me to help shoot pictures Saturday at a kids’ triathlon because he needed the extra help. Even though the heat index was 105 degrees, I said yes because, well, I’ll shoot anything that moves. Or doesn’t. Plus, I needed the practice.

I had a blast and came away with a great deal of respect for those kids, especially the little girl who moved so fast I didn’t notice her prosthetic leg until the third time I reviewed the pictures. And the little boy who gritted his teeth and told me in no uncertain terms, “I AM NOT LEAVING THE TRAIL!” when I tried to get him in the shade because he was obviously struggling with the heat.

It was fun, fun, fun, and the whole time two thoughts kept running through my head: Kids definitely move faster than 46-year old women, and Great Gertie, it’s hot out here!


Living Life said...

Very good action shots. I especially like the swimming photos.

oreneta said...

Looks like fun. Kind of.

Janis said...

Soooo when are you going to turn Pro. Your photos are great!!!

Gail Dixon said...

What a treat! First of all to shadow a professional, and secondly to shoot such a fun event! The photos are amazing. You must be proud of the kids and yourself. :)

J.G. said...

I hope they were celebrating at the end, 'cause this looks like too much of a strain to be called fun. Your shots captured that very well. Yikes!