On the road, behind the lens and covered up at work. It's been another whirlwind week, and I looked up today and said, "Blog? Blog who?" Time is flying at warp speed again. This week included wrapping up a special project at work, celebrating Papa T's birthday and taking a road trip to Nashville. I also did a bridal shoot at an old house in town that was fun, fun, fun, but I can't post any photos just yet because we can't let the groom see the bride until the wedding. More on that after October 2nd. Much more.
The highlight of the week for Teen Angel was a trip to Nashville for the Nickelback concert. She and a buddy went to the concert while Hubby and I walked around downtown Nashville, visited a few hot spots and listened to some great music. I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again. I love Nashville. It's just a fun place to be.
The architecture downtown gives hints of the city's past.

But there's a mix of old and new woven throughout the ten blocks of Broadway that feed the heart of downtown. Like the old feed store across the street from the Hard Rock Cafe.

Even the signs on the various honky tonks and stores are a mixture of old and new.

Dingy and bright.

As always, we spent a little time window shopping before dinner, laughing at hokey souvenirs and soaking up the atmosphere that oozes shades of the city's country music legends from the 50's, 60's and 70's. A walk on Broadway always leaves me with the urge to buy bright red cowboy boots, and one of these days I'm going to do just that.
One of the things I like best though, are the musicians and bands that fill the bars with their songs and dreams of making it big. The big glass windows and open doors on most of the places allow the tunes to spill out into the street and give you a rear view glimpse of those dreamers.

Some are twangy. Some like to rock. And others are kind of bluesy.
The most interesting to me though are the ones who don't have a paying gig, other than collecting tips in the street. They dot the street at all times of the day and night, sitting inside the doorways of empty storefronts and along the curbs.

Some appear to be homeless, like the dirty couple playing a guitar, spoons and a tambourine taped to a tapping shoe. I would have taken their picture, but the angry looking man with the tattoos on his face who was sitting next to them was somewhat intimidating. I could have studied them and photographed them all night long. What leads people to that kind of life, I wonder.
Our favorite band during this trip was the house band at BB King's Blue House. They were fantastic.

Hubby and I sat there for a long time, eating dinner and listening to them play. We jammed and clapped and reluctantly called it an evening when Teen Angel texted us a message about her concert ending.
The drive home ended about 1am, and we were all tired the next day, but it was a good time in the middle of the week. I don't want to do it often on a school night, but it was a fun way to break up the week. And the walk downtown gave me the idea for a hook for a song chorus. Now all I need to do is write the rest of the lyrics. Nashville makes everyone want to be a star.