Pronunciation: \ˈfran-tik\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English frenetik, frantik — more at FRENETIC
Date: 14th century
a archaic : mentally deranged
b : emotionally out of control
a archaic : mentally deranged
b : emotionally out of control
: marked by fast and nervous, disordered, or anxiety-driven activity
— fran•ti•cal•ly\-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb
— fran•tic•ness\-tik-nəs\ noun
: marked by fast and nervous, disordered, or anxiety-driven activity
— fran•ti•cal•ly\-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb
— fran•tic•ness\-tik-nəs\ noun
Used in a sentence: "As Hula undressed at the gynecologist's office, she suddenly realized that the old tennis shoes she had haphazardly thrown on that morning made her feet stink to high heaven, and she frantically began trying to wash her feet with paper towels and antiseptic hand soap in the tiny sink before the nurse came back into the room."
*Here's hoping THAT'S not on some kind of security tape.
LOL! If it is I'm sure they had a good laugh : )
Quick thinking for an emergency such as this one! Do you think the nurse noticed?
"As Hula undressed at the gynecologist's office, she suddenly realized that the old tennis shoes she had haphazardly thrown on that morning made her feet stink to high heaven, and she frantically began trying to wash her feet with paper towels and antiseptic hand soap in the tiny sink before the nurse came back into the room."
This is the best thing I've read all day! And I've been reading all day!
haha I hope it was caught on tape... that would be funny to watch!
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