Monday, June 30, 2008
Shut Up And Sit Down, Hula
Like you, I get a lot of stuff in my email-box, everything from goofy jokes and funny commercials to mandates directing me to drop everything this second and pray a special prayer to keep from going to Hell. Amidst all of the junk emails that had collected over the weekend was a little nugget that I have nicknamed Why Hula Pulled Her Head out of Her Butt and Got a Better Attitude. This came just when I needed it, (Is that God winking at me?) and I’m going to share it with you. Promise me that you’ll watch it. I think it’s worth four minutes and 36 seconds of your time. You may have even seen it before because the father and son in this video have been quietly winning hearts in the running world for several years. In all of the reading I’ve done on running since I started this hobby last year, I had not stumbled across them…until now…..and I’m kind of glad it happened now and not earlier.
Their story is one of a young man who asked his father to run a marathon with him, even though neither one of them was a runner. He did. They tried another and then another. They kept going, eventually tackling the Iron Man Triathlon. As you watch this, keep in mind that the Iron Man consists of a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile bike ride and a 26.2 mile run (full marathon). Now, you’ll have to go watch the video before you’ll understand the rest of this post. If you’re a softy like me (this means you janjanmom and mia) you might want to grab a tissue. And because I’m a blogging idiot and haven’t taken the time to figure out the whole how to post a video thing you’ll just have to use this link. Go ahead. I’ll wait. I mean it, don’t cheat. I’m waiting.
Team Hoyt video
Done yet? Okay. How moving was THAT?! Since 1979 they have competed in 958 events, including 224 triathlons and 65 marathons (25 at Boston). They have won numerous awards, and their paces are fast. They are not in the back of the pack.
Well, I had to watch this video twice and when I quit I told myself to just SHUT up and sit down. “That’s right, Hula. Quit your itchen’ and shut up. You’re mouthin’ about being slow while some folks are climbing over mountains much bigger. The good Lord gave you two good legs when others have none. You’ve got two good lungs while others can’t breathe, and two good eyes and ears when some folks can’t see or hear (including your father in law.) If that man can run, swim and bike a triathlon while carrying, dragging and pushing his son, you can haul your happy butt down the highway for a few miles and be happy that God gave you the tools to do it and another day to try. So just shut up.” And I did. And you know what? I ran at lunch today and had the best run I’ve had in a month. If you need me, I’ll be right over here in the corner thanking the good Lord for all of my blessings and keeping my mouth shut. And if you’d like to read more about Team Hoyt and their trials and successes, you can check out their website. I highly recommend it.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Fun Monday-Our Quirks

1. In general, I don’t like the foods on my plate to touch, but I love mixing mashed potatoes and corn into a big glob with salt, pepper and butter. I could eat a whole bowl of just potatoes and corn…mixed up…in fact, I’d like to have some right now.
2. My favorite breakfast drink is club soda doctored with those fruit flavored packets you add to bottled water. It has the taste of fruit juice and the fizz of soda. I love something really fizzy in the morning.
3. I’m one of the fourteen people in the United States who doesn’t own a coffee pot because I’d rather have something fizzy in the morning.
4. Sometimes I open a can of corn or green beans and eat them out of the can, unheated. Mushrooms, too.
5. While I’m not a picky eater, I’m always putting stipulations on the food I eat in restaurants. For example: I order unsweetened tea at McDonalds but I ask for it in the Styrofoam cup instead of the plastic cup. The plastic cup gets too sweaty. I often order sandwiches plain and dressings that aren’t meant for a particular salad. At Cracker Barrel I want the biscuit after the meal (as dessert) and always with strawberry jelly. If I go through a drive-thru and order a Coke but all they have is Pepsi products, I politely say “no thank you” and do without a beverage because there IS a difference.
6. I like to eat raw potatoes sprinkled with salt. Don’t ask me why. I don’t know why.
7. I’ve just realized that all of these bullet points are about food. What the heck?
8. I have one hip bone higher than the other.
9. For years my eyes were brown, then naturally they became somewhat green.
10. I can’t stand to smell raw chicken.
11. I can’t stand to touch the skin on raw chicken.
12. I can’t stand to put my hands in cold dishwater or dishwater that has floaties in it. Yak! I’m gagging right now just thinking about it.
13. My elbows are double jointed, allowing me to do gross tricks with my arms. It’s handy for freaking out drunken people at parties.
14. The lines in my left hand form a perfect star of David in the middle of my hand.
15. And the granddaddy of them all..(Insert eerie music here) sometimes I have premonitions, usually about something bad that’s going to happen. I hate it, and people look at me like I’m a freak when I admit this.
Wow. That list was a little longer than I expected, and I could have kept going. Hmm. Maybe my friends are right.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
The Haunting
The Hula-gen’s have a ghost in their house, specifically, the bathroom. I’m sure of it. Otherwise, there is no explanation for this since NO ONE in the house seems to know how this happens on a regular basis.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Top Ten Ways to Know You're Hooked

10. A family member trips or does something horribly embarrassing and you can’t wait to get home and post about it.
9. A blog friend fails to post for a few days and you begin to get nervous that something bad has happened. You wonder if you should ship a broccoli casserole to his house in California.
8. You think the woman sitting next to you at a charity luncheon looks like boomama.
7. A friend needs advice on bra shopping and you say, “I know, we’ll ask Tootsie Farklepants!”…and your friend gives you that what the smell are you talking about look.
6. A friend asks if you want to grab a meal after work, and you say you can’t because you really want to get home and check your comments.
5. You see a traffic sign that would make a really funny post, and you curse yourself for not having your camera. In fact, you make a note to carry a disposable camera for just such emergencies.
4. You wonder if the steak you’re eating came from the Pioneer Woman’s ranch…which also makes you wonder who won today’s “Name That Photo” contest.
3. Your family asks what you want for Christmas and you tell them you want the Pioneer Woman’s PhotoShop Elements.
2. You see a friend you haven’t seen in months and realize you’re all caught up on each other’s lives because you’ve been reading each other’s blogs.
1. And finally….you reconsider whether or not that vacation will be worth it because you’ll be away from the internet for a WHOLE WEEK!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Bible School Continued
Words you’re glad to hear: “I don’t need any help. You can wait at the door.”
Words you’re surprised to hear: “I’m going to try to poop while I’m here.”
Words you know are coming but don’t want to hear: “Miss Hula, will you come wipe me?”
Words unspoken but relayed with a big hug instead: “Thank you.”
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Bible School Rule #11 for Preschoolers
Fun Monday
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The B-I-B-L-E
Bible school is great fun. I love working with the kids and trying to give them the same experience I had when I was a kid, but it’s like childbirth. Your mind has a way of blocking out how much work and energy it takes to pull it off until you get into the middle of it. I guess that selective memory loss is the Lord’s way of making sure we have enough volunteers for next year. Our church holds bible school at night, so you’d think the kids would be kind of tuckered out from a full day of activities before they arrive at the church. Not so, Kemo Sabe. They are rarin’ to go. The adults? Not so much. I’d give my right arm to have the energy these kids have at six o’clock in the evening. Our largest class this year is preschoolers, and there is only one girl in that class. It is one wiggling, squirming batch of boys, and they are so stinkin’ cute you almost can’t look at them. And boy, do they all make me laugh. There was the little boy who belly laughs at everything. The little girl who was so into our alien theme that she tried to convince us she had stepped on a space rock and could hardly walk. And a little boy whose pants kept falling down around his ankles. He wasn’t concerned about pulling them up. Every time we turned around someone was shouting, “Pants down!” We finally constructed a Jethro Bodine belt out of some twine we pulled from the decorating supplies and prayed he wouldn’t need to pee (or worse) before he went home. There were lots of smiling faces with milk and Kool-aid mustaches and sticky fingers from munching on asteroids (round Rice Krispie treats made with Fruity Pebbles). The space station lift-off (fog machine) was a big hit. We had only one injury accident that resulted in a bloody nose, and one non injury accident if you count Sissy’s butt in the air tumble over a traffic cone during space station tag. We’re off to a good start, and there’s more fun and frivolity planned for the rest of the week….if the adults can hold out. God bless the people who work with youth. They’re gonna need it.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Fun Monday Clothes You Can't Part With

*Update: Thanks to all who opened up their closets and played along today. It was most fun. We still need a host for next week, so let me know asap if you're interested.
Welcome to this week's Fun Monday. It's my first time hosting, so if I screw this up please let me know so I can fix it. My assignment for you this week was to show us those pieces of clothing you just can't part with, whether you wear them or not. It might be your grandma's vintage wedding dress, a jacket from high school, a t-shirt from an old boyfriend or those jeans you hope to get back into some day. It could be anything. Most of us have something like that we can't seem to throw away. Here are my items and below that are the links for everyone participating in Fun Monday. If I've left someone out, give me a shout. Check out everyone's website and enjoy.......and thanks for participating! If anyone wants to host next week, please let me know.

Friday, June 20, 2008
Write That Down
Hubby: "I remember those days."
Hula: "Super Nanny would say that someone forgot to tell that child the expectations when she arrived."
Hubby: "What? Like stay seated and behave or I'll get your hind end?" Insert giggles.
Teen Angel: "You know. I'm not going to spank my children when I have kids."
Insert wild laughter from Hula and Hubby and choking on Roadhouse Sammie by Hula.
Teen Angel: "I won't."
Hula: "Maybe not. That's very noble but wait until you've tried everything, your kid still won't behave and you're at your wits end. You'll be surprised at what you resort to."
Teen Angel: "That won't happen to me."
Insert uncontrollable laughter from Hula and Hubby and slight wetting of pants by Hula.
Hula: "I'm just saying, don't make those kinds of statements and expect to live by all of them because people who don't have children eat a lot of crow after they have kids."
Teen Angel: "Well, I won't."
Insert exchange of knowing look between Hula and Hubby.
Hubby: "Let's get a pen and paper and start writing all of these things down and have her sign them so we can bring them up years from now."
Hula: "Oh, yeah. We're definitely writing this down."
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Breakfast of a 43 Year Old Hula Girl
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sand Script

The Next Fun Monday-Your Assignment

If you want to be a part of this little luau, please comment in this post, and I’ll add you to the guest list.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Fun Monday-Walls

We all have walls of some sort. What I want to hear about and see, if you're going to show off your amazing photo skills, is what is on your walls, what color are your walls, what is special about them, what is your favorite or least favorite, is it inside or outside.
This one took a lot of thought because I don't have one wall that I just love more than any other. I like my walls. I just don't have one that stands out above the others. I try to make my home very comfortable, insulated from the stress outside, in order to be at peace when I'm at home. After surveying all the corners of my house, I finally decided that the thing I like most about my walls is the stuff that I hang on them, so that's what I'm going to show you. Let's take a quick tour of the stuff that the Hula-gen's surround themselves with. This picture hangs in my dining room near the french doors that lead to the deck.

It's in a sunny spot where we watch the birds and squirrels romp and the flowers in the yard bloom. This picture feels appropriate for this spot because the woman is gazing outdoors, which is what I do all the time in that very spot. In our bedroom is a print marking the 125th anniversary of the Great Steamboat Race which is an annual race between the Delta Queen and the Mississippi Queen steamboats.

There you go. A sample of Hula art. Now trot on over to Jan's and see who else is playing along today, and stop by here again this week for instructions for next's week's Fun Monday because I'm hosting then. Ha! Are you ready?
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Daddy's Little Helper
I still think of myself as Daddy’s little girl and probably always will.

Daddy was busy, very busy when I was a kid. He worked swing shift and a lot of overtime to support three kids and a wife who worked in the home. He was also a shade tree mechanic, an air conditioning technician and a general handy man who fixed everything in our house that broke. He didn’t have a whole lot of time to play pitch and catch, so most of my favorite memories of time spent with my dad are of helping him with some kind of chore or fix-it project. Apparently, I started early. It appears I was in his business right from the beginning.

We did a lot of work together, me and Daddy. Well, he did most of the work and I helped, but I didn’t mind. It was time spent together, and that’s what counted. I never felt deprived that we didn’t get to play together much or that he missed a school program every now and then because of work. That’s just the way it was. I always understood Daddy was making a living and taking care of us, even when he wasn’t in the same room. He was a strong and sturdy presence…always. He still is. He’s always there when I need him, even though his little girl is nearly 44 years old now. In many ways I still feel like I’m riding on his shoulders and hanging onto his hands.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Lucy Bell

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Crazy Eights
1. Freedom of speech
2. My family
3. Fitness
4. Books and reading (and putting books in the hands of children who can’t afford them)
5. Writing
6. Lifelong learning
7. Raising Teen Angel to be independent, confident and sure that she doesn’t have to rely on a man for her emotional or financial well being.
8. Music. I love all kinds of music and rarely go anywhere without my iPod or a radio.
1. See the Eiffel Tower
2. Lie on the floor of the Sistine Chapel and look at the ceiling
3. Own a convertible
4. Write a book
5. Run a marathon and finish
6. Own an English bulldog
7. Visit the small railroad town we lived in when I was very young and see our old home and hangouts.
8. Own a small home in the Caribbean
1. "Puddin"-It’s a substitution for any and all swear words that usually come to mind first
2. “This is NOT a democracy.”-Usually reserved for Teen Angel, although I have used it on at least two argumentative employees in the past.
3. “You know I hate a whiner.”-Again, usually used on Teen Angel when she’s playing the pity card.
4. “Hateful!”-Hubby and I use this with each other when one of us has slipped into a tone of voice that is not nice or respectful.
5. “Sucks to be you.”-I jokingly use this only on friends when they have to do something that is not fun.
6. “It is what it is.”-Used frequently on the rest of my family who tends to worry excessively about everything and tries to suck me into their fretting frenzy. I refuse to worry about things I cannot change. It doesn’t always work with these people.
7. “Don't have sex. Don't have sex. Don't have sex."-I like to throw that out to Teen Angel in random conversation, kind of like those subliminal messages slipped into advertising.
8. “Bless her heart”-that old southern phrase that is intended to soften the blow of the derogatory comment that is about to follow. For example: “Bless her heart. She’s really put on the weight.” There really isn’t any blessing behind it.
8 BOOKS I'VE READ LATELY: Heavens to Betsy (who is this Betsy, anyway?) I read so much I have trouble remembering what I’ve read. I always have a book handy. Here are a few I’ve read in recent months.
1. The Doctor’s Wife by Elizabeth Brundage-Excellent page turner.
2. Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. Very interesting but disappointing ending.
3. A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest Gains-Love the plot and the prose.
4. The Memory Keeper’s Daughter by Kim Edwards. Couldn’t put it down.
5. Magical Thinking by Augusten Burroughs-Fascinating but slightly repulsive at times.
6. Icy Sparks by Gwen Hyman-excellent read.
7. White Oleander by Janet Fitch-another great book. Heavy topic.
8. It Ain’t All About the Cookin’ by Paula Deen-Honest and colorful autobiography.
1. Steel Magnolias-Maybe my all time favorite.
2. Fried Green Tomatoes-Maybe my all time favorite.
3. Terms of Endearment-When I need a good cry.
4. A Trip to Bountiful-When I need another good cry.
5. All the President’s Men-Helped to inspire my interest in journalism a very long time ago. That and Jessica Savitch.
6. The Shawshank Redemption-Love the part where he plays opera over the sound system.
7. Animal House-When I was in college I got a bid to be a little sister for the animal house fraternity on campus. I passed but was flattered in a weird way.
8. The Rocky Horror Picture Show-In my younger days I spent a fair amount of time traveling around the Midwest in my RH costume dancing and throwing toilet paper in theaters. I portrayed Magenta with voyeuristic intention.
And now for the hard part, tagging 8 other people for this. I’m not good at tagging, so I’ll throw out some names and if you want to play along, okay. If not, I’ll understand. Okay, I’m closing my eyes, turning around and picking……
1. Cruise Mom
2. Amy
3. Heather
4. Pamela
5. Oreneta
6. Faye
7. ChrisB
8. Molly
Things That Make my Chest Tighten
Monday, June 9, 2008
Fun Monday-Childhood Memory

Years ago, Chevy asked us to see the USA in a Chevrolet. I did. Well, at least a little corner of it. Around ’78 or ’79 Baby Ruth and Zeek bought a Chevy Chevette. It was one of those small compact cars built more for energy efficiency than for comfort. Since Zeek is as tight as the bark on a tree (love you daddy), I’m sure the choice had more to do with the cost of the car than his concern over the energy crisis. That little Chevette could barely hold three kids and two adults. A trip to the IGA required Baby Ruth to mediate several rounds of “he’s on my side” and “she’s touching me”. Our first line of defense was to offer up Handy Man baby brother as the recipient of the token swat from mom’s left arm around the seat. Poor guy. We were always pushing him into the line of fire. If that didn’t work, Baby Ruth usually ended up drawing imaginary lines on the seat with the threat of pulling over and spanking any border jumpers. If she was in a particularly generous mood, she just threatened not to buy us bottles of Crush from the grocery store vending machine. (It was still a glass bottle back then.)
We didn’t let the size of our car squash our desire for summer vacation. We packed it full of luggage and hit the open road. We drove 350 miles to the Smoky Mountains and back in that Chevette. The hatchback was so full of luggage and bologna that Zeek couldn’t see out of the rearview mirror, and spent the whole trip hanging his head out the window hollering, “Is it clear?”, when backing up. Those little four cylinders chugged us up and down the mountains for a week, moving us from pancake house to pancake house. I remember having to turn off the air conditioner while going up the mountains, so the car wouldn’t die. Looking back, it seems we must have been pretty optimistic folks to assume we could travel that far with so little power and even less room and still have a good time. We did, though.
I had lots of good times in that car. I inherited the Chevette a few years later when I got my driver’s license. I circled the Sonic drive-in more times than Britney Spears has shown her belly button. How many teenaged girls does a Chevette hold? Six, if they’re skinny and somebody sits on the hump. I even took that car to college. I didn’t replace it until I had graduated from college and been on my own for about a year. When I finally traded it in, I skidded into the dealership on two break pads, four bald tires and a bad alternator. The dealer gave me $500 on the trade-in, and I felt lucky to get it. He immediately hauled it off to the salvage yard. I had literally run the wheels off that car.
I can’t say I miss squeezing into the Chevette, but it does bring back good memories. The ironic thing is that I now drive a van that seats seven people but usually carries only three. However, just to show that some things never change, whenever Mama J. and Papa T. ride with us, we argue over the seats. Orange Crush anyone?
Friday, June 6, 2008
Friday 40 Words or Less Challenge
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Welcome Back
Summer reminds me of that old lover who was exciting but couldn’t commit and was hard to let go of. You know, the kind that regularly disappears abruptly when things get too good and then slips back into your life a few months later, knowing you’ll take him back because you can’t resist. A charming, elusive lover.
I haven’t enjoyed winter since, oh 1967.

Forgive the poor quality of this photo, but it’s the last official record of me having a good time in snow. Winter could pass me by, and I wouldn’t miss it. The coats, the boots, the chilly winds and dreary days. Give me sun, sun, sun. I’m like a lizard, the hotter it is, the happier I am. I truly am a summer baby. I was born in the middle of July, leaving mama to sweat and swell like a fat man stuck in a Yugo. Every year on my birthday she talks about how miserable she was the day she pushed me into this world. And how she ate six ears of corn and two tomatoes before she went to the hospital. It was hot, really hot the summer I was born. Perhaps that why I like the heat. However, I suspect it has more to do with the fact that some of my best childhood memories revolve around summer.
There were picnics at the park, mischief with my Indiana cousin, pink birthday cakes, homemade ice cream, fish fries and cherry popsicles. Cut-off shorts, pony tails and bare feet. Brown shoulders, burned cheeks and dusty feet. Tube tops, tank tops, pop tops and Pop Tarts. And mowing. Lots of mowing. Mowing grandma’s yard with the crank start push mower and mowing our yard with the riding mower with the handlebar that came off in daddy’s hands while chugging across the yard one day. There were also the hours spent trying on clothes to be put in lay away for the next school year.
I love those memories. They sweetly wrap around my mind like overgrown honeysuckle in full bloom. They follow me during the summer months and warm my heart while the sun warms my face. I am smiling today because it’s the time of year when I trade my winter coat for a jacket of sunny memories that I wear daily. It makes me feel good, reeeeaaaal good. Welcome back, lover. I’ve missed you.
Say What?
Frosted Flakers-"Frosted Flakes"
And the best yet...straight penis-straight pins
Really, does a woman her age need to be sewing?
Monday, June 2, 2008
Fun Monday-Something I Have Made

That's about the extent of my creativity. Now hop on over to Karisma's and see who else is playing along today.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Putting on the Brakes