Note the 70’s cover on that sofa. It was one in a long line of loud sofa covers grandma had. Sweet.
We’re all excited about the new baby. He should land here just in time for Halloween, He’s only the second grandbaby for Zeke and Baby Ruth and the first baby we’ve had around here in more than fifteen years. On that side of the family Teen Angel has had the grandkid thing wrapped up for her entire life, and when she first heard the news about the baby she was briefly bummed that she would no longer be the only. She quickly warmed up to the idea when she found out it was a boy, running around the house singing, “It’s got a wiener. I’m so exited…” Now she’s all ga ga, baby this and baby that. She’s about to put me in the poor house, buying clothes for the little guy. Although, I must admit the onesie from Spencer’s that had the iPod dial on the front and “iPoop” on the seat was pretty cute.
Personally, I’m excited because I get a baby to play with that I don’t have to push out of my womb or feed at 3am. I can hold him, sniff his neck, play with his toes and squeeze his fat knees, then hand him back, go home and sleep peacefully throughout the night. And I get to enjoy the paybacks for all those times Super Cop gave me a hard way to go about parenting when Teen Angel was little. Ooh, God is good.
This newest ultrasound photo will be seen by anyone in a sixty mile radius of Baby Ruth’s house. She carried the last one in her purse and whipped it out to unsuspecting strangers, the homeless and any relative or friend who would stand still long enough to see it. It will be one of many photos to come, and if he continues to look like Super Cop he should be pretty cute. He always took the cutest baby pictures. Like this one.
By the way, the new baby is wearing this same outfit home. Then there’s this photo.
And this one.
Isn’t he cute in his overalls?
Even when he had a lot of hair, he was cute. Poor baby better not get used to hair, though. It doesn’t last long in this family. By about age 35, he may be bald again.
We’re all excited about the new baby. He should land here just in time for Halloween, He’s only the second grandbaby for Zeke and Baby Ruth and the first baby we’ve had around here in more than fifteen years. On that side of the family Teen Angel has had the grandkid thing wrapped up for her entire life, and when she first heard the news about the baby she was briefly bummed that she would no longer be the only. She quickly warmed up to the idea when she found out it was a boy, running around the house singing, “It’s got a wiener. I’m so exited…” Now she’s all ga ga, baby this and baby that. She’s about to put me in the poor house, buying clothes for the little guy. Although, I must admit the onesie from Spencer’s that had the iPod dial on the front and “iPoop” on the seat was pretty cute.
Personally, I’m excited because I get a baby to play with that I don’t have to push out of my womb or feed at 3am. I can hold him, sniff his neck, play with his toes and squeeze his fat knees, then hand him back, go home and sleep peacefully throughout the night. And I get to enjoy the paybacks for all those times Super Cop gave me a hard way to go about parenting when Teen Angel was little. Ooh, God is good.
This newest ultrasound photo will be seen by anyone in a sixty mile radius of Baby Ruth’s house. She carried the last one in her purse and whipped it out to unsuspecting strangers, the homeless and any relative or friend who would stand still long enough to see it. It will be one of many photos to come, and if he continues to look like Super Cop he should be pretty cute. He always took the cutest baby pictures. Like this one.