My daughter wonders why I’m so slow when taking her senior pictures. Until she is a mother she will never understand how long it takes to absorb the beauty and complexity of a creature you have birthed and raised and the bravery it takes to set that creature free as that time nears.
TA is so beautiful! It's gonna be tough Mama.
I'm not looking forward to that day. I just need to get through these days one at a time!
Your girl is beautiful!
She is beautiful. Very, very beautiful. A mother's love is like nothing else.
That is so touching!!
(and I cannot wait to see more of your photos, talented mama!)
It is difficult. But you have a beautiful daughter that the world will be graced with.
Nothing like a Mothers love, beautiful shot of TA
How sweet. I hope she was happy with the results! You too! Goodness knows they don't want to have to go through it all over again.
I see a very strong resemblance to you in this pic...beauty squared. (:
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