Post a photo of your purse and if you care to share, describe what's inside your purse. Do you carry everything but the kitchen sink? Or, do you prefer to go light and carry only the necessities, such as your money and cell phone. For the men who would like to participate, post a photo of your wallet and describe what's in your wallet.
Well, isn't she a brave one. I've seen women that carried some scary things in their purse. Hubby's grandma used to pack a pistol in hers. It just terrified us to know she dragged that thing with her when buying new shoes or picking up a gallon of milk at the U-Tote-Em. Trust me, if someone had tried to steal her purse that 83-year old granny would have shot him once between the eyes and never blinked. And then she would have prayed for his lost soul, gone home and canned some peaches.
My purse is pretty simple. I just don't have time to swap them around all of the time to match my outfit or shoes. I carry the same one day in and day out until it falls apart, and then I buy another. It's almost always leather and is a shade of black or brown. I figure if I keep it simple I don't have to worry about it. This is the one I'm carrying now. 

I think I paid $28 for it at J.C. Penney's. God bless J.C. Penney's. I keep my purse crammed full of stuff and had to dump it all out to take a picture of the contents because they were squeezed in there so tightly. There really weren't any big surprises in there.
I found 3 tubes of lip balm. Burt's Bee's is my favorite. I'm not a lipstick kind of girl. I'm a chap stick girl. Lipstick is one of those girly girl things I've never quite gotten the hang of. It's always a mess on me. I've tried all of the tips that Glamour, Vanity Fair and the Avon Lady recommend, and I still look like a clown when I wear it, so I tend to stick with chap stick. I had 28 cents in change, some pens and my billfold, which I've had about four years. Again, I buy one and carry it every day until it wears out. I have two pair of sunglasses. One pair makes me look cool but doesn't fit well. The other pair fits really well, works great and makes me look somewhat Nascar-ish, so I trade them out. Nascar-cool. Nascar-cool.

I also had some fingernail clippers, a note from the house cleaner on some cleaning supplies she needed and a rubber band. There was my cell, which is about to fall apart, and a recipe for Red Rock margaritas that a friend gave me Thursday. The bottle of OPI "Pinking of You" nail polish is from my nail tech. She had to travel back to Vietnam recently because her dad is dying of cancer, and it will be five weeks before my next appointment, so she sent me home with the bottle and told me to layer on another coat as needed. Note that I picked a light color so it wouldn't show if I screwed it up. I'm not good at nail polish either. And finally, you'll notice a tube of Benydryl anti-itch medicine. I'm carrying that because I have a monster case of chiggers on my ankles, and they won't go away. Daddy thinks they're turkey mites. I don't care what they are. I'm just ready for them to GO AWAY.
That's about it. Oh, there was one other item tucked away in the side pocket.

I never go anywhere without Sweet 'N Low. Every day I drink a large iced tea in the afternoon. I'm probably the only person born below the Mason Dixon line who doesn't like my tea as sweet as honey. I order mine unsweetened and lightly sweeten it with Sweet 'N Low. Half the drive-thrus I frequent either don't carry it (You know who you are, McDonald's) or forget to give it to me. Therefore, I carry it with me. It's just one of those quirky little things that make me...me. If this were winter, I'd also be carrying around six brands of sinus medicine and some tissues. Now, follow me over to the Church Lady, and let's see what everyone else is toting around to the U-Tote-Em.
Turkey mites? I need some education on that one!
I like that you have a basic purse. One that will go with anything. It looks durable too. I figured if anything, this assignment would be a great opportunity for everyone to clean out and re-organize what they lug around on a daily basis! Too bad you didn't find an extra $20 stashed away! Thanks so much for sharing!
ooh,ooh I just can't resist posts about purses this is gonna be fun seeing everyone's "pocket books" as my grandmother used to call them.
Your ability to apply lipstick and fingernail polish are about on par with mine! So I don't do nails and I don't wear lipstick.
I didn't open my make up case -- there was lots of stuff in there, too.
I know several ladies who carry their own sweet n low.
I rarely change purses either.
Your story about your husband's Grandma cracked me up. And most of my purses are from JC Penney's, too (or Kohl's).
I know your purse is black, but in your picture it has a cool silvery look. I like it!
Is it bad that I don't carry a "grown up" purse? No. I carry a tote bag. Why can't I get out of my high school days (which were 19 years ago)?
I love the Granny story, she sounds like my own Gram, only she would go after you with broom. She also used the term "pocketbook" as I did too until recent years. I am with you on having one purse until it falls apart. You look like your prepared for anything that may come up, including the sweet n low for your ice tea. Happy FM Hula
Purses just dont seem to carry enough. I tend to carry a backpack. A little bit more usable for me .. I spend a lot of time walking and hiking.
chiggers? My mom always swore that kerosene would get rid of them. I'm thinking that suffering the smell for a little while is worth not itching.
I don't have a picture of my purse but I do the same thing as you. I use a purse until it falls apart, same w/my wallet. In fact the last time I bought a wallet I got 2 for one and guess what? The one I am using is falling apart and I have yet to change it to the new one that is identical. I love to try to hide money from myself but I always remember it is there. Just yesterday I pulled out $40 for my farrier's visit.
Oh, I am the same way about lipstick. Actually I hate it. The taste and smell is awful. My daughter hates it too. She's a tomboy like me!
Burt's Bees YES!! I carry that stuff, too!
And I think nearly my entire wardrobe is from JC Penney. I don't know whether to be proud or ashamed. *SIGH*
Our restaurants up here just finally started carrying swwet tea. Now if they could just learn to make it correctly, my life would be good! I like your purse - very classic!
Keep it simple. That's my motto, too. Did you find any surprises tucked away? You have the same taste in pocketbooks as I do. Usually black or brown leather and typically medium sized.
What? We are supposed to change our purse with our outfits? That could get pretty challenging for me with the amount of colours I wear all at once LOL! I just throw my purse, keys, wallet and camera in whatever basket or bag I can fit the rest of the crap in the kids need when we are out! No fashion sense down here!
Thumbs up on the purse and sweet n low--gotta have the pink stuff. However, double thumbs up for those transparent pink ears in the "Boss of the House". That ic cracks me up. Have you written anything about him/her?
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who crams a lot into her bag- but no gun in mine what an amazing story!
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