Thursday, June 24, 2010

Oh, Daddy

We have this event in our town every Saturday night during the summer. Traffic is blocked off in our downtown area, and live music is performed on various street corners. People can plop their lawn chair in the street, listen to music and visit with friends. There are also some street vendors there. One vendor sells henna tattoos, the kind that lasts for a couple of weeks and fade away.

While I was goofing around downtown Saturday night I watched a father who was obviously watching his little girl while mom was elsewhere that evening. He was absent mindedly keeping tabs on her while he chatted with an acquaintance. She ran up to him, asked to get a tattoo, and he said, "Sure." I don't think he had any idea what she was asking. She smiled brightly, handed the woman her money and picked out a large butterfly design for the top of her hand. I watched the artist do her thing, and all I could think was, "Boy, is he going to be in trouble when they get home."


Trailboss said...

People never cease to amaze me. Especially when they are "watching" their kids. It's no wonder kids seem to turn out like they do/can. UGH!

Trailboss said...

Oh, btw, I hope she cuts off the bedroom activities for quite some time!

J.G. said...

Dads seem to have their own rules about what's appropriate, even when they are listening!

Unknown said...

: ) That is so funny!

"CAPTAIN DAVE" said...

Oh, c'mon! It's only temporary. Didn't you ever write on your hand with a marker -- sometimes you even got ahold of a Sharpie marker. Sure, Mom was unhappy, but it eventually faded.

Now, if it was a permanent tattoo, that might be an issue...

But then again, maybe the mom has her own butterfly tat somewhere! These days, one never knows.

TACMAC said...

I think this is a HOOT.....just wait until Daddy actually realises and SEES what "he" did. I am sure he will be more afraid of what MIGHT happen than what does.

oreneta said...

Ahhhh, it wasn't a tat with a needle, it'll be off in a couple of weeks...a little benign neglect from time to time.....