HOLY COW!!! The Hula-gen's are out of toilet paper! I mean really out. As in not one square and no roll to spare. I'd complain to the person in charge of that, but I think that's me as I forgot to put it on the grocery list for Hubby Friday.
We discovered this issue when we got home from church yesterday, and I forgot to pick some up on the way home from a meeting last night. We must stop TODAY and get more. In the meantime, we've been using the only thing we have available: paper towels. And Bounty may be thicker and more absorbent and that may be great for spills, but let's just say that using it for TP is about as comfortable as shaving with sandpaper.
Grey winters day
I was feeling inspired by the snowstorm we had yesterday so I thought I'd
go for a drive and take a few pictures. All images were taken in Seabrook,
NH ...
10 years ago
How horrible...that is a fear of mine. TP is always on my list every week. Especially if its calling for a blizzard! LOL
What?? You don't shave your legs with sandpaper?? I'm confused.
What happened to the sears catalogue????
Ok Miss Huls. You must ALWAYS have a backup stash of TT that noone knows about...not even teen angel. It must be kept hidden so no one will have any idea. You know as well as I do how mudh TT gals go thru....Perpaps you could sore a 12 pack in your trunk?? Or in the linen closet covered up w/a towel? If nothing else stash a single roll of TT in your purse. Oh, and you MUST teach TA to do that same so that she won't suffer the horrible "toilet paper withdrawl" Come on girl.....you are a good momma!!!!!!!
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