Friday, June 11, 2010

Where The Lilies Bloom

This Spring I’ve paid particular attention to the way plants and trees bloom. They come in waves. First there are the crocuses and daffodils, proclaiming to the world that ding dong the wicked winter witch is dead. Then come the dogwoods and pear blossoms. The tulips pop in a blaze of glory, and the roses like to be fashionably late. In some ways it’s as if I’m seeing them for the first time. Spring in western Kentucky was exceptionally beautiful this year, and about the time I thought we were going to have a lull until the summer annuals bloomed, the Tiger Lilies pushed to the sky and spread their petals in a joyous orange.

The thing I like about Tiger Lilies is their ability to grow anywhere. Sure, people plant them in bunches along driveways and in flower beds, but mostly they thrive in ditches and fields. They can survive in the grittiest and lowliest of places. They are loud and hardy, and they love the sun. Like me. The Tiger lilies and I are in sync, man.

I love Tiger Lilies. They’re one of my favorites, and for several days now I’ve eyeballed a particular patch of them, waiting for them to pop open so I could take a few pictures. I noticed the field Monday. I drive by it every day to and from work, and it sits next to the entrance of a paving company. It was such a nice surprise to suddenly see them peeking their buds above the weeds in search of the sun. Dozens, maybe hundreds of them.

A sea of orange along a busy highway. Did anyone else notice them I wondered? Every morning I’ve slowed as I got closer to them, trying to decide if it was THE day. Tuesday-not yet. Wednesday-still too soon. Thursday-hmmm, almost. Today-wait, wait, yes! It’s THE day. I parked along the grassy shoulder and bailed out of the car with my camera, and while I enjoyed taking the pictures, the best part was just being there. There is something cool about standing in the middle of a field surrounded by waist high flowers in the early morning sunlight.


Janis said...

I can relate...its like a rush when you get that perfect photo opp! Those tiger lilies are just so colorful and could brighten any spot! Great photos...Have a great weekend Hula!

J.G. said...

Oh they are loooovely! I especially like the edge of the petal photo. So delicate, even though you make them sound so brassy. I envy you these flowers; here in Florida we have our moments, but not like this.

the parishioner who doesn't do anything said...

The tiger lilies were awesome this week. There were tons of them by Mom's too. I don't ever remember so many. Your photos make me want to take pictures!

Trailboss said...

It is amazing how well they grow everywhere! I don't have any though. Need to get some to put by the road.