Monday, May 26, 2008

Is it Summer Vacation Yet?

Okay, here's a sign that it's time to wrap up the school year. Hubby started out of the house at 6:30 this morning to get the newspaper. He heard a noise that sounded suspiciously like a school bus, and when he opened the garage door, there sat the bus waiting for Teen Angel. Dumbfounded, he stood there a moment staring at the driver and an empty bus. He walked toward the bus (in his pajamas-no robe/Lord we have to quit doing that), and the driver asked if Teen Angel was getting ready. "Well mam, there is no school today. It's a holiday," he replied. "I know, but I thought they were making up a snow day today." "Um, no. They don't have school." "Oh."

Thank goodness he refrained from asking her why she didn't get suspicious when no other children were at their stops because she was apparently VERY embarrassed. And thank goodness she didn't ask why he wasn't wearing a robe. Hubby says she turned off her lights and slid out of the subdivision as quietly as possible. God bless her. Their last day of school isn't until Friday, and it obviously won't be a moment too soon for her. I must say though, it certainly makes me feel a little better about putting my underwear on wrong side out yesterday.


oreneta said...

We have four more weeeeekkksss...augh....

actually three weeks and three days, and this being Spain, there will probably be a long weekend in there somewhere....


Queen of the Mayhem said...

This bus driver could be my long lost sister! I think having children makes you lose your least....that is the excuse I am clinging to! :)

Cruise Mom said...

Hmmm... didn't she suspect something when there were no other busses on the road? Or maybe it isn't like it is here where every other vehicle is a bus during the AM hours.

We have five more weeks of school, counting this week. Making up all those snow days.