No time to talk. I work for the power company, and this ice storm is kicking our backsides. Just wanted to share a few photos to give you an idea of what we're dealing with. I'm not exaggerating when I say our entire community looks like this:
I've slept eight hours since early Monday morning. I did go home for the first time last night, and my neighborhood is a disaster. It will probably be many days before we get power at our house. If I'd had a camera and had not been afraid my fingers would snap off in the cold, I would taken a picture of Hubby bundled up, sleeping in his recliner with only his face sticking out of a hoodie at 4am today. Talk to you soon. Oh, and have you hugged a lineman lately? If not, you really should. Sleep for me, friends.
bummer,I hope that you get your power back real soon.
Oh my goodness! I thought we had it bad here in Southern PA! Right now, we have a coating of ice on top of the snow. You can actually ice skate on our front lawn! I have been seeing your parts of the Country on the news lately. What a mess. Ice is a nasty thing, except on a hot summer day, that is! Hope you will get some sleep soon!
This looks as bad if not worse than the big ice storm in 1994. I still remember the run into WPSD and the power lines arcing off the trees. Hang in there Hula!
That's an ice storm alright! And a bad one at that! I do wish you some warm weather and plenty of outside help from other states. Look like you're definitely needing it!
Here's hoping power is restored soon. I can only imagine the extremely long hours all the workers are putting in, including you! Take care!
Good lord and good luck...holy jeez.
Coffee is amazing. Hug a lineman for me if you get a chance.
hang in there.
Be careful! : )
The line crews are great, hopefully you'll get as much (or more) outside help as we did in December. My Mom is staying with a neighbor who has a propane heater.
That goodness you got some heat. Yea! for propane. What a mess, this will be in your memories as a nightmare for a long time. I look at those poor trees bent over with the weight of that ice and think, how are they going to survive. Of course that is not as important as people and struggling to stay warm. I pray your community gets back power real soon. Thank God for "Linesmen" they have a tough job ahead of them. Keep the faith!
I suppose the only good thing is it makes for beautiful photos.
They say I might not have power for weeks! Brrrr! My wife is saying she hopes her hot flashes start so it won't be so bad. I'm re-writing the old Eric Clapton song, and changing the title from Cocaine, to Propane. you think your power company could send some repair crews down my way????? Iza be eternally grateful!!!
I'll never complain about post-hurricane power outages again. At least when they happen, it is sweltering summer and not icy winter.
Warm thoughts coming your way. Take care!
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