I made the statement Sunday that I was sad vacation was over but would be glad to get back to our regular schedule. I got my wish...and then some. We’re back to normal alright.
New business-Hubby got hit by a car Sunday. Fortunately, he wasn’t seriously hurt. We were walking across the church parking lot, and he was about six steps in front of me and Teen Angel when an elderly fellow plowed right into Hubby’s side. The driver got him in the leg and hit him hard enough to force him onto the windshield. Hubby rolled off without hitting the ground, but had he been about a foot and a half farther, the car would have hit him dead on, and I hate to think what would have happened because this guy never slowed down and never stopped. Apparently, he never saw Hubby, and THAT is scary. I saw it happen and almost died on the spot. His life flashed before my eyes and it scared the bejeesus out of me. I can count on two fingers the number of times in my life I’ve screamed hysterically. That was one of the two times. Hubby has been pretty sore but okay.
Mama J. is in the hospital. She had some chest pains Monday but wouldn’t go to the doctor. She fell Monday evening and I took her to the ER since Hubby was about an hour away from home. Her heart seems to be okay, but she has a lot of leg pain, and they can’t figure out why. I hope they figure out something soon because someone is getting C-R-A-N-K-Y.
One day a few years ago while I was delirious I told Teen Angel that if she would quit having birthday parties and make good grades and be really good we’d give her a sweet 16 birthday dance with a deejay. Well, it’s time to make good on that promise, so this Friday night Hubby, me and several friends will be chaperoning a party with numerous teenagers. Yes, I have lost my mind, and you should put us on your prayer lists. I told Teen Angel that if anyone gets out of line, her dad and I are doing the Electric Slide and the Cha-cha. Don’t make me put on my dancin’ shoes.
Old business-that bad smell in the house went away for a while but recently came back. It’s not nearly as strong, and it doesn’t linger all of the time, but it just won’t go away. We’ve checked everything. The only thing we know to try is to get the plumber out to change the toilet seals. We’ll call the plumber as soon as we get done paying for this party. Aye yi yi.
Papa T.’s dementia has gotten worse lately. He gets confused a lot now, and he doesn’t really handle basic math or counting money very well. Fortunately, a strawberry Pop-Tart and books on tape sooth him right down.
Is this really only the 7th day of the new year? Can I get a motion to move to St. Lucia until spring? A second? All those in favor? All opposed. Great. Motion passes by a unanimous vote.
Grey winters day
I was feeling inspired by the snowstorm we had yesterday so I thought I'd
go for a drive and take a few pictures. All images were taken in Seabrook,
NH ...
10 years ago
Oh my! Just reading your post has me almost screaming hysterically!
Try saying out loud to the Universe, "Enough already!" Even if it doesn't technically work, it may make you feel better to state your position clearly. And if the Universe stops sending you stuff for a while, so much the better.
Hang in there!
I agree J G, I feel the same way.
Goodness me, what a week! I hope everyone heals quickly. Its a worry when people can't see and still drive around. There was a big stink here a few years ago when they wanted to retest elderly drivers but you know I've seen a few bad accidents where the driver could not see. I think maybe a sight and test should be mandatory after a certain age.
AYE! You've got my vote. What a totally brutal start to the year. Hang in there. Tough putting the traces back on isn't it.
I'm packing my bags now!;)
I am feelin' your pain girl.
Old and new business, motions, second, voting???
Methinks someone has been in a few too many meetings.
BTW, not see HulaHubby?? Have you ever mentioned how tall he is?? And that he looks like a football player-lineman, specifically?? That gentleman needs to retire his license.
I second the motion for St lucia. My, My, My, not a good start for 2009. First of all, so happy your Hubby is ok, boy, that could have been a real bad scene. Can't believe the old geezer didnt stop or see him, its sad, but that happens alot. You have your hands full with your inlaws, thank God they have you to look in on them. Next -- "The sweet sixteen party" dont worry, just the threat of you n hubby taking over the dance floor will make them all behave-ha haha! Teen Angel will always remember her 16th B.day.
I have seen Hula-Hubby in Wal-Mart...he is a mountain of a man! : ) that elderly parking lot wanderer needs his eyes checked too!
So glad he's okay!
As I write this I suppose your'e dancing by now??
Happy Birthday Teen Angel!!
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